What is Chiropractic Care?
Chiropractors are extensively trained to assess, diagnose, treat and prevent joint, muscle and nerve conditions. The goal is to eliminate the causes of pain, rather than just treat the symptoms.
Repetitive motions, poor posture, sports activities and falls can lead to pain and dysfunction. Through a thorough assessment, the cause of discomfort is diagnosed and a plan is created.
Individualized treatment plans may include manual adjustments, mobilizations, soft tissue therapy, acupuncture, laser therapy and rehabilitation exercises. The treatment is tailored to improve function and mobility of joints, along with rehabilitative exercises to strengthen and prevent further injury.
What are the benefits?
Chiropractic offers a natural approach to healing. Benefits include a reduction in pain, improved joint motion, minimization of muscle tension and spasm, improved posture, and enhanced physical function and performance.

Common conditions for chiropractic care:
Headaches and migraines​
Neck pain
Jaw pain (TMJ dysfunction)
Numbness in arms or legs
Low back pain
Upper back pain
Shoulder, elbow, hand pain
Hip, knee, foot pain
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Plantar fasciitis
Work-related injuries
Motor vehicle accident injuries


What is Massage Therapy?
Massage therapy is hands-on manipulation of the soft tissues such as muscles, tendons, ligaments, and connective tissue. The treatment stretches muscles, inhibits muscle spasms, increases the range of motion of the joints and breaks down scar tissue.
Our therapists offer deep tissue massage, prenatal massage for relief of postural pain and stiffness due to pregnancy, and hot stone massage to therapeutically treat trigger points in muscles.
What are the benefits?
Massage can alleviate stress, reduce pain and prevent physical dysfunction. Massage has a positive impact on the muscular, nervous and circulatory systems.


What is Acupuncture?​
Acupuncture involves the insertion of fine, sterile needles into specific points on the body to alleviate pain and inflammation, reduce pressure on nerves, and encourage tissue healing.
What are the benefits?
Acupuncture has an immediate effect on the promotion of blood flow, regulation of the nervous system, disruption of pain pathways and the secretion of endorphins.

Our chiropractors have extensive training in the treatment and rehabilitation of concussion and post-concussion symptoms such as ongoing headaches, balance/dizziness issues, visual disturbances, trouble concentrating, and visual motion sensitivity.
How we help
Research shows that early intervention can significantly improve the recovery of concussion. Following a concussion, a personalized plan of exercise therapy, manual therapy, vestibular rehabilitation, nutritional intervention and education is provided to allow an effective and safe recovery, along with proper return to work, school, or sport.
Multimodal baseline testing is a series of physical and cognitive tests that provide an overview of healthy brain function before a concussion injury. These tests are a benchmark to provide the most accurate means to diagnose a concussion and safely return the athlete to the game. Individual athletes or teams can be baseline tested at our clinic to ensure a safe season!
For more information visit

What is Laser Therapy?
Laser therapy is a safe and effective treatment for soft tissue injury, wound healing, dermatological conditions and musculoskeletal complaints. Laser technology utilizes particles of energy that are selectively absorbed by the cell, resulting in a cascade of reactions.
What are the benefits?
Laser has been shown to eliminate pain, enhance the body’s immune response and facilitate natural healing. Laser can be used as a stand-alone treatment, or as an adjunct to chiropractic or massage.
For more information visit


Abnormal foot function can lead to ankle, leg, knee, hip, or low back problems.
What are the benefits?
Orthotics provide improved joint alignment, proprioception and biofeedback. Our chiropractors are trained to analyze gait, diagnose abnormalities, and cast orthotics for all shoe types.


What is Naturopathic Medicine?
Naturopathic Medicine emphasizes the inherent ability of the body to heal itself, given the right environment. Using gentle, safe, and effective therapies, naturopathic doctors address the whole person rather than just the presenting symptoms to restore health and help prevent disease.
Naturopathic doctors have extensive training in functional medicine, nutritional science, botanical medicine, pharmaceuticals, and the potential for interactions between all forms of medical conditions and therapies. Therapies also include lifestyle counselling, supplementation, bio-identical hormone replacement therapy, acupuncture and cupping therapy.
What are the benefits?
Naturopathic doctors take the guesswork out of making positive changes for yourself and your family. We take the time to stay up to date with research to ensure that the changes you make to your lifestyle are safe, effective, and meaningful. With a Naturopathic Doctor on your health team, you will be armed with information to help you gain control over your health and decrease your overall health risks. You don't have to wait to feel unwell to start talking to a Naturopath about optimizing your health!

What is Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy?
Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) is the use of biologically identical hormones for the purposes of hormone replacement therapy. Most commonly, BHRT is used in peri- and post-menopausal women to replace estrogen and progesterone to relieve many symptoms associated with menopause. It is also used to replace thyroid hormone in cases of established Hypothyroidism.
BHRT is available by prescription only. Upon completion of hormone testing for a comprehensive assessment of your current hormone levels, your prescription is individualized and the dosage is determined based on the results of your hormone test. Your hormone levels and prescription dosage is then reassessed periodically to ensure you are in the optimal range.
What are the benefits?
Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy offers safe, fast and effective relief of hormonal symptoms including hot flashes, low libido, vaginal dryness, mood swings, anxiety and mental fog, low mood and mood swings, insomnia, fatigue, and weight gain.


What is Therapy and Counselling Services?
Therapy & Counselling is a collaborative process aimed to provide a supportive and non-judgemental space where individuals and families can explore their feelings, gain perspective, develop coping skills, and work towards their personal goals.
What are the benefits?
Therapy & Counselling offers a range of potential benefits for individuals seeking support for their mental health and well-being. Some common benefits can include:​
Increased Self-Awareness
Improved Coping Skills
Enhanced Communication Skills
Emotional Regulation
Improved Relationship Quality
Stress Reduction
Support During Life Transitions
Personal Growth and Development